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January 07, 2008
It is so nice to go online on my laptop. Especially when I get lazy. I hope I don't run out of battery power before I write this. Bill is still working on the wire router, I'm on the wireless right now. I listening to serous radio. The far left of course. I like listening to Lynn Samuel's. But does she have a mouth on her. I also been watching the Republican and democrat debates in NH. I like Obama, but he doesn't have any experience. Edwards not to sure of. Hillary might be the one, but she is lagging behind Obama. I really don't like Hillary. If Obama wins the primary, I hope McCain wins the republican 'cause I will have to maybe vote with him.I shouldn't get ahead of myself, the primary isn't until February 5.
Here is a blog to go to. It is about a soldier who wrote a blog about his death. He had a friend post it in the event of his death. It is very interesting.


What does experience have to do with anything? Are you saying you won't vote for Obama or what?


Go shine your sink! Mine has been shiny for 9 days now. :D

I'm going with Dennis Kucinich through the California primary. After that I'll sit back and see which Dem wins it all.

I admire McCain for his integrity but can't bring myself to vote for him. We disagree on too much.
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