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January 01, 2008
Happy New Year
It's 2008. I hope this is better than the last 8 years. Living in this shit hole town doesn't help. Too many republicans. Bad place for a democrat.
I'm going to try to eat less. Bitch less. Give of myself more.
Try to write more here.
I forget all about it. Or I'm too lazy.
I'm going to my daughter's wedding in June. Need to save money. I need not to have an anxiety attack. Cause when I get them I don't want to go. I don't know how I ever made it too Texas to see my other daughter last may. I did have fun, through.


I am always to lazy too. I am not sure if I can go to the wedding or not. Maybe try figuring out what you are panicking about exactly. The traveling? Seeing your family? Going to NY and being sad? Regretting your situation? Hopelessness? Maybe if you recognize the emotion associated with the panic attack you might figure out the cause. IF you know the trigger, you may be able to calm down or prevent them.
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