I don't recognize me sometimes. At times, I wonder where I went. The fun loving girl, now women. Is it age.
Sometimes I think it might be my psych meds. I feel they take away my feelings. Some how feel empty inside. A big dark, black void where my emotions were. They upped my meds again!
It is not a happy feeling. There are days where things seem a little better.
The days fly by and then they drag. Memories of recent past doesn't work well. I remember things from years ago, through.
I quess we just change from year to year.
We do change although sometimes I don't notice unless I happen to look in a mirror.
If you're talking to Dawn, say hi for me. I haven't heard from her in a couple of weeks and hope she's doing well.
I have memory problems too. I think it is the crazy in us, lol.
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